About the artist

Short Introduction of Peter Nottrott

Who I am and what I paint in just a minute

 The Flensurg based artist Peter Nottrott

. born in  1962 in Nübelfeld / Flensburg

. studied at the private artschool “JAK” in Hamburg

. has worked since 1987 as a full time freelance artist

. now lives in Flensburg with a great city-studio

Today Peter creates mainly abstract works, his paintings often appearing energetic and powerful, but sometimes quietly flowing, almost meditative.

Realism was the main focus of Peter's creative work when he began as an artist. In a predominantly photorealistic style he painted landscapes, architecture and people, until eventually he started to play more and more with surrealist elements and motifs. His paintings fuse reality with fantasy to create new exciting imagery, his surreal painting demanding multiple viewings as they are always full of surprise, often in amusing and unexpected ways.

Even in his early years, Peter often experimented with abstract painting. He was fascinated by the freedom of the colors and shapes, there were no natural laws, it required no natural structure and no colour scheme as you would get with a realistic painting.

Here, in abstract painting, the artist has found his home, and may his dedication, imagination and strength live on through his limitless creativity. Each abstract work of the artist Peter Nottrott is like a little symphony of color and shape, a new world full of emotion and energy.

                "Art is a step from what is obvious and well-known toward what is arcane and concealed."
                                                                                                              Kahlil Gibran

Paintings by Peter can be found in many places, from private collections to the boardrooms of multinational companies in Germany, the most countries of the Europian Union, Switzerland, the USA, Australia, Thailand, Japan, China and Arab Emirates.

News and thoughts from the studio of Peter Nottrott

About formats, colors or ideas, this and that in irregular intervals ...


In case you prefer maximum concentration on exclusively maritime paintings: my new maritime website including shop has been online since July 2024. Choose yourself browsing for size, motif, price or newest... and find your favourite easily.


In case you prefer maximum concentration on exclusively this kingsisize formated paintings of 240 x 150 cm: there are more than 50 XXXL paintings from me, abstract as well as semi abstract.